Lets travel back in time to gyms in the 1980’s. I bet you’re picturing something like this? Big gyms, big equipment, big guys with huge muscles, and the invention of cut off shirts. Now, lets not forget that this is exactly what was expected in the fitness industry at that time and gyms like this are still available to those who are looking for that atmosphere to motivate them. Then skip forward a few years, and although Jazzercise actually started in 1969, the popularity began to rapidly grow in the late 80’s/early 90’s and continues to be both popular and effective to this day. By the mid 90’s Curves for Women showed up on the scene and became the leader in women’s fitness for many years. By the late 90’s and early 2000’s we really got serious about working out at home with videos like Tae Bo, and machines like the completely safe and effective (insert eye roll here) Tony Little’s Gazelle, and Suzanne Somer’s Thighmaster. By 2010-present we still have those big gyms that we all know and some absolutely love, we still have Jazzercise, we also have private training studios, Crossfit, boxing, kickboxing and karate dojos, yoga, Pilates, TRX Suspension training and the list continues. The best news is you can find all of this in our small community!
I believe that our community is very fortunate. There truly is a program, a facility, a trainer, or a yoga studio for everyone. You may be that person who has been wanting to take control of their weight and make a lifestyle change, or you may have always wanted to train for that 5k, triathlon, or mud run. But, as always the absolutely most challenging part is getting started despite your apprehensions. If this message is speaking to you we have some advice:
- Do your homework. A simple “gyms in Amador County” or “Personal Trainers in Amador County” google search will pull up almost all of the available facilities near you. Now, its up to you to go through this list and find a facility or trainer that speaks to you.
- Ask your friends where they go. It is always extra motivating to know that you will be meeting your friends at the gym. You will hold each other accountable, encourage each other, and celebrate each other’s successes.
- Identify what your goals are. Do you want to lose weight? How much? Do you want to run faster? How fast? Do you want to keep up with your grandkids? Do you want to excel in your sport? Do you want to just feel better everyday? It helps to get started with clear and definite goals. Set a date to reach your goals and keep your eye on the prize.
At Motivate we believe in the collective effort of our community to become healthier. Now, whether you’re a current, past, future client, or that person who is simply trying to figure out which avenue is right for them, we are here to help. Whatever your questions or concerns, reach out to us. Ask away. If we aren’t the right fit we will help you find the place that is. But if you’re looking for highly skilled trainers, programs specific to your goals, a hyper clean, and high energy facility, stop by Motivate and have a chat with our team of ACE certified personal trainers.
At the end of the day we promise, that if you don’t take action today, a year from now you will really wish you had. Now, get moving!!
In good health,
Dominic Vicari, Owner
Motivate Personal Fitness Academy
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