It has been a whirlwind of a year! From our new membership format, to our easy to use and ultra convenient scheduling app, to our new retail bar, complete with complimentary snacks. We have made it our mission to bring nothing but the best experience to our clients and friends at Motivate. We believe that our private training clients deserve the utmost attention to detail in their programs, hyper focused guidance to help reach their goals, an ultra-clean facility complete with Bella kisses, and a safe, comfortable, motivating, and exciting environment to fling sweat in. The best part, we believe our class clients deserve exactly the same! At the end of the day, it is this attention to detail that we hope you share with your friends when they ask, “why do you check into motivate like EVERY day?” (you know who you are, and we greatly appreciate you!)

We would like to formally introduce our newest team member and trainer, Suzy Peters! Suzy and I go way back! We worked together in another facility before I opened Motivate. She has a following of clients who are passionate about her approach to fitness. She is caring, meticulously detailed in her training, and shows true passion for her approach. Her approach: Combining body sculpting exercises, while challenging balance, maximizing your core strength, and Barre. You will be hearing a lot more about our growing Barre classes with Suzy soon! Outside of the studio, Suzy enjoys creating beauty through food in the kitchen with her family and friends, and a really good class of Amador County wine. Head to our Schedule and sign up for Suzy’s class on M/W/F at 9am! First class is FREE to new members!

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet my friends and fellow fitness business owners from across the country in Washington D.C. where we learned from each other, as well as some of the best in this industry. As always, I came home with so many new tools in the toolbox and I know our clients have experienced those new tools first hand! These trips are essential to our team at Motivate. We believe in investing in our education yearly to ensure we are on top of the newest trends, science, and best practices to help see our clients to success. Below is a photo of my friends and business coach in the Library of Congress!
We expect 2018 to be our most exciting year yet. We invite our past clients to join us in our April challenge to experience our state of the art and only-found-at-Motivate heart rate training system! Besides that, we have group hikes planned for this summer, more challenges to keep you motivated, and we hope to grow our training team!
As I type all of this out, I cannot express to you all how proud our trainers are of all of you. You come in ready to sweat, even on the days you really don’t feel up to it. You strive to push yourself to be your best and that is inspiring to us. You encourage each other, support each other, hold each other accountable and that makes us feel like a family. Thank YOU for being a part of our journey. With out all of YOU Motivate would not be what we all know and love.
Your trainer,
P.S. You are ALL welcome to call or text in a time of needing a little more Motivation.
(209) 406-8828
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